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Java fern

Java fern (Microsorum pteropus) Is a traditional green plant that you will find in almost every aquarium. I have found that liquid fertilizers help keep this plant green. It's also a free-floating plant meaning that it will rot if buried under substrate. You can tie the plant to a piece of aquarium decoration or use aquarium safe glue. Contact us if you would like recomendations on the glue. It does well in low to high lit aquariums. This is a fairly easy plant to take care of.



Bettas, also known as Siamese fighting fish or Betta splendens, are very colorful fish that are found in most homes. Sadly, most of them live in 1 gallon fish bowls. The recommended tank size is 5 gallons and a heater is also recommended. Having a live planted tank is best, meaning, using all live plants in their tank. Make sure to cycle any tank for about 2 weeks or more. They also enjoy live or frozen foods. I recommend Omega one fish foods. If you are looking to get a betta, contact me. I'd be happy to awnser your questions and give you recommendations on where to get one.

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